Sponsoring CIS

.Crisis Intervention Services (CIS) is a non-profit organization that receives funding from the Iowa Attorney General’s office to provide Comprehensive Sexual Assault Advocacy Services and Emergency Sheltering to 12 Southern Iowa counties. In addition to those two programs, CIS also serves 9 Iowa Counties for Comprehensive Violent Crime Advocacy. Violent Crimes that would qualify a survivor for services include robbery, arson, stalking, harassment, human trafficking, and survivors of homicide. The Sexual Assault and Violent Crimes programs are both delivered in an outreach setting – providing guidance, support, and resources to these survivors. That can be a vague statement, but that is precisely why our services are crucial to survivors feeling emotionally supported and validated and making informed decisions about entering the criminal justice system or seeking a civil protective order. Advocates with CIS can wear many hats, which can change depending on the case. Ultimately, we work for the survivors in the communities we serve.

The Emergency Sheltering Program, often referred to as the “Housing Program”, serves fleeing survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, or one of the other “violent crimes” listed above. Survivors are given a six-week stay in the CIS shelter if approved for shelter. They are matched with a case managing advocate who will aid in establishing goals related to economic and housing stability, as well as support them in beginning to heal from their traumatic experience. Currently, CIS provides sheltering services in a scattered site format, holding three sites in three counties to be more accessible to survivors across the 12 counties. With funding restrictions, three sites are what is sustainable for CIS to be able to shelter AND provide the level of support that is required of Advocates to ensure residents in a shelter can continue moving forward and regain control of their lives.

CIS serves the following Iowa counties: Appanoose, Davis, Jasper, Jefferson*, Keokuk*, Lucas, Mahaska, Marion, Monroe, Poweshiek*, Wapello, & Wayne.
Counties Marked by “*” are not served by the Violent Crime Program.

Businesses across the service region have the unique opportunity to “sponsor” CIS for a 12-month period. Depending on the sponsorship level they choose, they will receive different benefits.

Here is the link to donate at: https://pages.donately.com/crisisinterventionservices/campaign/supporting-survivors-of-violence?_ga=2.60703336.496422938.1714765561-1614697965.1712156984.

The package levels are as follows:

Bronze ($250)

Sponsors at this level will receive acknowledgment on the CIS social media page and a tax-deductible receipt for their donation.

Silver ($500)

Sponsors at this level will receive all the benefits of the Bronze level, with the additional benefit of displaying the company logo on our webpage as a sponsor.

Gold ($750)

Sponsors at this level will receive all the benefits of Bronze and Silver, plus the additional benefit of receiving CIS merchandise and promotional materials.

Platinum ($1000)

Sponsors at this level will receive all Bronze, Silver, and Gold benefits, with the added benefit of free marketing at any CIS fundraising event and having their logo on promotional materials.